Youth Education and Fellowship
Cradle Roll
Elementary Sunday School
Students in Pre-K (age 3) through 5th grade can choose to gather in person on the 1st floor of the Life Center or "Zoom" into this same group from the comfort of home. Both options take place between worship services on Sunday mornings at 10:15am for a spiritual, musical, and educational experience during the months of September-May. During this time, youth will engage in exploring Biblical stories and parables that follow along with the weekly Gospel reading in worship. Youth will also read scripture, discuss spiritual topics, and create various crafts to study God’s Word in an age appropriate manner. For those participating in this fully remote Sunday School experience please contact Lisa White or the church office to ensure at-home Sunday School kit(s) will be assembled for all interested families. Delivery and pick up options are also available.
First Communion Class
Confirmation Class
Our Lord’s continues to have an active Confirmation class of 6th, 7th and 8th graders meeting Sunday mornings at 10:15am throughout the school year from September through May. Parents are also invited to participate in class. The interaction with the confirmands and the adults encourages healthy discussion and has created a dynamic where both the youth and the adults are learning from each other. Class materials used include the “Faith “Inkubators: The Living Scripture” curriculum, supplemental Power Point presentations, and the Lutheran Study Bible NRSV. The Confirmation leaders and guides frequently contribute images, movie clips, and other demonstrations to add to the lesson plans.

Outside of class, confirmands volunteer within the church as acolytes during worship and help prepare for church events such as the Sunday School Rally Day. Outside of Our Lord’s, our confirmands also attend field trips in the St Louis area and volunteer at the Spirit of Sharing Soup Kitchen in Collinsville, IL. For more information, please contact the church office.
High School Sunday School
Our Lord's youth, from PreK (age 3) through 5th grade, will gather on the evenings of June 10-13 to explore and develop deeper relationships with Jesus and with each other during this year's "Jersualem Marketplace." Volunteers and families will also enjoy a meal together before each session!
VBS in 2024 will take place on June 10-13. Join us for a meal each evening at 5 pm followed by VBS from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. If you would like to volunteer with this year's VBS, please contact the church office. For more information, view the flyer.

Our Lord's High School Youth Group
This high school fellowship group is currently parent-led and meets one Sunday evening each month. They gather in the Worship Center fellowship hall while having dinner, engaging in meaningful discussion, participating in group bonding activities, and planning service projects for the greater church and community. Friends are encouraged to visit.
Our Lord's Youth (and friends) recently worked at the "Feed My Starving Children" Mobile Pack Event on April 22, 2023, in Edwardsville, IL at LeClaire Christian Church.